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[Instance] lvl 30 - Left Wing Chamber [AP] Empty [Instance] lvl 30 - Left Wing Chamber [AP]

Sun Apr 05, 2020 8:06 pm
[Instance] lvl 30 - Left Wing Chamber [AP] 180?cb=20100429212921

Left Wing Chamber is a group instance for Asmodians and Elyos level 30+. There is no entrance prerequisite, but the faction must own Siel's Western Fortress to be able to enter the instance. The entrance is on a lower level in the fortress, in the artifact room. Cooldown is 12 hours for re-entry.


[Instance] lvl 30 - Left Wing Chamber [AP] Latest?cb=20091028132509

After entering the instance, there is a blue Aether barrier. Once the Aetheric barrier is broken, there are 15 minutes until the treasure chests vanish. There are normal and elite mobs in this instance.

This instance has a winding path to a cavern crossed by six bridges. At the end of each bridge is a door with a treasure room and a single clickable box. One player will get the entire contents, it is not disbursed as normal.

Split the party into two "teams". Many groups will use /random to determine the order, just in case the 15 minutes expires before getting to the last two boxes. The top roll goes to team one, the second to team two, the third to team one, and so on.

Fight to the cavern and clear to the left side until you can get to the first two bridges. Team one goes up the first bridge, team two up the second. All of the mobs on the bridges are normal, not Elite. When you get to the end, the high roller should follow his teammates to the left-hand mob, then continue to the door and the chest. You have to be standing right up against the door to open it. Enter as soon as the door is high enough to enter and click the box, then loot all.

As soon as the teams have dropped their guard, go back down the bridge, looting as you go. The entire party should proceed together as the roamers are Elite. Now repeat the process for bridges three and four, then five and six. With luck and teamwork all six should get their box. The contents of the six boxes are basically fixed, but which box is in which room is random. One box will have less than 100 Kinah and nothing else. The others will all have multiple loot, and one of the boxes will also contain a blade fragment for a quest.

Once you have completed all six lanes (or time expires) go back to bridge #1 and begin clearing the Elite mobs. The named Boss Treasurer Nabatma is at the other end.

General Tips

  • If you are doing this instance with a full group of random people, be sure to have a short briefing before you start.

  • Leader should use brands to assign a bridge number to each person. And those, who aren't sure they can clear the bridge solo, should go in pairs.

  • Kill mobs on the bridges one by one.

  • Chest behind the door can't be rolled. The person who opens it gets everything inside.

  • One of the rooms has also a golden treasure box.

  • Beware that mobs in this instance will agro even on 55 level players.
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