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Upper Abyss instances (not sure if bug) Empty Upper Abyss instances (not sure if bug)

Tue May 05, 2020 9:13 am
So we (asmos) have run the upper fort instances a few times and the AP yield is abysmal to the point where we stopped running them until we get a response. We are getting 1-2k abyss point in relics from ALL boxes including the last one. This is just not worth the time in terms of reward. Are the upper fort boxes tuned correctly? What are others experiences? I am not expecting to get 30-50k AP but even if we 3-4 manned it the yield per person would still not be worth it. I just feel like I remember these producing way more AP even in 2.7. Thanks for listening!

Upper Abyss instances (not sure if bug) Empty Re: Upper Abyss instances (not sure if bug)

Tue May 05, 2020 9:30 am
Hey Rando,

Both of the two HM runs we did we get a pretty heft amount of AP, like 2-3 greater/major crowns plus other smaller items. We also were getting DDG weapon drops along with the AP, so I don't think the AP is busted, at least from my experience.

Upper Abyss instances (not sure if bug) Empty Re: Upper Abyss instances (not sure if bug)

Tue May 05, 2020 9:54 am
Very interesting as we are having the complete opposite experience. I guess we will just keep trying them. Thanks for the response Yikes!

Upper Abyss instances (not sure if bug) Empty Re: Upper Abyss instances (not sure if bug)

Tue May 05, 2020 10:17 am
This issue is not a bug, it is just how the progression occurs. The amount of AP you can get is random and is not the only source of AP in game.

This topic is being moved to general discussion, for more players to ask questions about the subject.

Upper Abyss instances (not sure if bug) Empty Re: Upper Abyss instances (not sure if bug)

Tue May 05, 2020 10:52 am
Yea I know how this is not the only way to get ap, pvping is great but when there are limited people it can not be the main source of AP. I was just expressing my personal experience against what I remember from retail, it is quite possible we just had some unlucky runs. Yikes says it seemed "busted" to him so we will keep trying to see if we experience some better runs. Thank you.

Upper Abyss instances (not sure if bug) Empty Re: Upper Abyss instances (not sure if bug)

Tue May 05, 2020 1:41 pm
I have ran 5 or 6 of them and all seem pretty crappy on drops. In those runs I am pretty sure we have seen like 4 major crowns but no weapon drops yet. Will keep running it for sure so hopefully our luck increases Smile

Upper Abyss instances (not sure if bug) Empty Re: Upper Abyss instances (not sure if bug)

Fri May 08, 2020 12:13 am
We did not even have the large box spawn in the room so i think it is bugged.

To add to this in Eso we have only gotten ancient crowns(or empty boxes) from the arrow boss last boss and the trees middle chest. I know this was unheard of because i use to sell AP and you were garenteed a minimum of 30k because that is where our pricing started.
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Upper Abyss instances (not sure if bug) Empty Re: Upper Abyss instances (not sure if bug)

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