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Getting massive amounts of plat medal in one hour Empty Getting massive amounts of plat medal in one hour

Sun Jun 07, 2020 12:38 pm
Why is no one talking about gold medals as rewards at siege, this is breaking the game.
one could gain ~20-30 platinum medals in 1 hour at siege, wtf is this
all those lvl 26 alts in siege waiting to get gold medals, they trade all those medals with their main char and exchange it to platinum medals at the fountain.

Make gold medals Untradeable. save the game before its too late.

Getting massive amounts of plat medal in one hour Empty Re: Getting massive amounts of plat medal in one hour

Tue Jun 09, 2020 12:04 pm
Have you even tried the fountain? Nobody is getting those ratios lol. You might get 1 or 2 plats from 20 golds

Getting massive amounts of plat medal in one hour Empty Re: Getting massive amounts of plat medal in one hour

Tue Jun 09, 2020 2:37 pm
Okey, i just tried it out, it seems i was exaggerating, got 3 plats out of 10 golds

Getting massive amounts of plat medal in one hour Empty Re: Getting massive amounts of plat medal in one hour

Wed Jun 10, 2020 10:11 am
Even 3 out of 10 is very lucky. This isnt really a problem

Getting massive amounts of plat medal in one hour Empty Re: Getting massive amounts of plat medal in one hour

Thu Jun 11, 2020 9:07 am
I really don't care much about it, but it is a slight problem because people multiboxing can get golds which in turn can turn into plats thus being the possibility of having full ABG where plat medals are a very, very limited resource: admins seem very reluctant to add platinum medals especially when back on retail the main source was Esoterrace. I hope they level the field by eventually adding more ways to get plats one way or another on the game other than crusader/forts/defense.
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Getting massive amounts of plat medal in one hour Empty Re: Getting massive amounts of plat medal in one hour

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