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Equality between pve and pvp Empty Equality between pve and pvp

Wed Jun 10, 2020 3:53 pm
Hi to the gm and the community. I would like to start by saying that the server is amazing when it comes to farming and pve you made it a way that it’s not too hard and not boring with the events and all , and I’m pretty sure the Pve players are satisfied. But on the other side there is also Pvp players that really enjoy to just pvp ,and Myself I am someone who looks for pvp the entire day , sometimes I can find some pvp when i go to gelkmaros but most of the times if i can find one or two asmos after hours, it always turns out into zerg (large amount of player against small amount) and it becomes really boring , the only fair pvp and fun i can get is when i go harmony, the only problem is that we only get one ticket daily so the fun is limited... I have played on a server called notaion who was a pvp server and had a good system concerning pvp. Me and my friend Boo have been talking on stream with the community and we have come up with some ideas to make a better server pve and pvp oriented.


you could implement a BG system that consists on creating small maps where people appear and fight on 3v3 or 6v6 , you could use the same maps from harmony , other maps from maybe 3.9 that are not being used, or maybe close 1 or 2 instance that no one really goes into. People can apply to these BGS exactly like people apply to dredgion. We were thinking on puttin those bgs Twice a day , one on the morning and one at night for a hour where people could apply an unlimited amount of time , you could also give a small reward to motivate the players to go.

2.Arena tickets increase:

simply increase the amount of ticket we get a day from harmony and discpline to 2 or 3 and decreasing the reward by a little bit.

3.Recharger zone:

Add a recharger zone, this comes from notaion it was a zone where asmos and elyos could go to duel infinite amount of time with being able to reset your cooldowns infinite amount time, i think it is a good idea because when you get bored of not finding any pvp or just bored of zerg you can just go duel and relax.

4.Create Events:

recruit gms so they can organize events like kor etc...

I hope you read this and think about implementing one of these ideas. The server you created is a really good idea and you do a great job by updating it everyday , responding and helping the community. But as an old aion player I think it will not survive without anything new , remember we are not a lot of players that’s why you cannot act like this is retail because it is clearly not, you have to find a way to regroup this small amount of player so it doesnt feel empty ,I understand you think about the pve player that just like the in game stuff but tell me, what’s the point of gearing up if you can barely use your gear for pvp, it’s been a month and i think people have already done the same instances maybe a hundred times or more, they will eventually get tired . I hope you will do something about it and not just close your eyes like the past gms i’ve seen on private servers. We are a lot of Pvp players even if you think we’re not, think about us . Much love i believe in you.
Keep the good work.

Equality between pve and pvp Empty Re: Equality between pve and pvp

Wed Jun 10, 2020 3:58 pm
I agree

Equality between pve and pvp Empty Re: Equality between pve and pvp

Wed Jun 10, 2020 4:31 pm
i agree

Equality between pve and pvp Empty Re: Equality between pve and pvp

Thu Jun 11, 2020 9:17 am
I think Dredgion needs better times and increase on the rare spawn mobs inside it since the ap is worthless, it needs something to be rewarding.
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