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Pentacle Shock and Booming Assault not working properly Empty Pentacle Shock and Booming Assault not working properly

Fri Jul 24, 2020 2:50 am
Hi, I already sent a ticket a few minutes ago but I thought that having a thread could help devs to solve this annoying issue sooner. The issue lays on both Pentacle Shock and Booming Assault wich are chanter chain skills, the chains are as follows:

Meteoric Strike - Incandescent Blow – Pentacle Shock
Hallowed Strike - Booming Strike - Booming Smash - Booming Assault

Most times when following the chain the bugged skill just doesnt become available, cant see it onscreen popping up nor being activable on bar or inside skills book, seems unrelated to ping or whatever skill was used previously. Ive also tried using warhammer instead of staff and doesnt fix it. Rarely any of those 2 skills becomes available, like out of 100 chains you can use wether pentacle or booming 3 to 4 times, its really annoying since it means less dps and pentacle stuns too so in general this makes leveling more painful.

I would appreciate any comments from other chanters on this matter.

Pentacle Shock and Booming Assault not working properly Empty Re: Pentacle Shock and Booming Assault not working properly

Fri Jul 24, 2020 11:05 am
Those skills are not 100% proc, check the previous skill proc chance to see the chance for them to become available in the chain.

Pentacle Shock and Booming Assault not working properly Empty Re: Pentacle Shock and Booming Assault not working properly

Fri Jul 24, 2020 11:51 am
I didnt knew that haha Ive never played chanter before, tho mine is not solid evidence, is the proc supposed to be that low?

Pentacle Shock and Booming Assault not working properly Empty Re: Pentacle Shock and Booming Assault not working properly

Fri Jul 24, 2020 12:06 pm
Also, booming assault was modified too? Where can i find the patch notes or the info about why changing it and that?

Pentacle Shock and Booming Assault not working properly Empty Re: Pentacle Shock and Booming Assault not working properly

Fri Jul 24, 2020 1:57 pm
They were always like that. Booming assault is 25% chance and pentacle shock 10%.
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Pentacle Shock and Booming Assault not working properly Empty Re: Pentacle Shock and Booming Assault not working properly

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