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Need classic x1 (x2 with premium) Empty Need classic x1 (x2 with premium)

Tue Apr 28, 2020 3:42 am
you destroyed my dreams, I never played an aion, an imbalance event cake, 1 person per hour dorop 10 gold weapon, I enjoyed the game doing quests, you said the server as x1, with premium x2, as a result of killing 3 monsters I get more experience than for the 10-15min quest, and here I understand that you don’t need to do quests, you need to beat the mobs as in l2 ... I will be forced to leave the server and wait for another project 2.7 with real x1 rates if you do not change the policy to which direction adhered to Sad I think that in order to save the server from players leaving, you need to restart - make static x1 (x2premium) without cake event. I believe that many came here with the hope of x1, in the end we got high x3 rates ... thanks for attention, this is my personal opinion, but reading the forum I see that many people enjoy each quest like me, even if lvl up takes half a year.

Need classic x1 (x2 with premium) Empty Re: Need classic x1 (x2 with premium)

Tue Apr 28, 2020 5:56 am
I will agree with Garik i came for the same reason, atm i feel like you guys are jumping the gun on increasing the rates, give it more time before increasing and i feel the same i think alot of people came here for the classic style of the server, to relive those memories and for some of us to make new ones and enjoy what we never got a chance to explore and see.

Need classic x1 (x2 with premium) Empty Re: Need classic x1 (x2 with premium)

Tue Apr 28, 2020 6:15 am
I love low rates, but x1 rates are actual, if server has big online
Vip is so expensive, so many people have x1 and they see, that online is low (40 people in prime time each side), they haven't ability to do party quests and to go in party instances (don't know how group caves in english, sorry, if incorrect), so they see, that it will very hard, because drop x1 and they cannot have good equipment from caves and from mobs and, as a result, leave
There are no correct ways of server evolution cause low online... low rates... big rates...

Need classic x1 (x2 with premium) Empty Re: Need classic x1 (x2 with premium)

Tue Apr 28, 2020 9:17 am
The game is not meant to be easy. It is an effort that you put so that when you get the drop you celebrate it with your group, friends and legionnaires.
Instead people have made alts and managed just from the group exp bonus to reach end level.
Classic rates attract classic players who are nostalgic with that version. Who see more than that. Who will explore every inch of the map, collect all titles and crown themselves conquerors of Atreia.
It might sound foolish to some but outleveling your area or quests is a killjoy and in an old game as this all we have is the memories.
Sure, there will always be people who will demand more or they'll leave the project but the ones who will stick are the ones who believed in that true feel of what Aion is.

Need classic x1 (x2 with premium) Empty Re: Need classic x1 (x2 with premium)

Tue Apr 28, 2020 2:44 pm
I thought the x3 increase was supposed to be an event? I see the announcement is gone, rates are back to normal (actually, they are not because when I log in it states "regular rates" and mine is x2, not x1. I do not have VIP) and there is no other announcement to counter why it's missing? Lack of communication bothers me more than the increase in rates. Seriously.

*EDIT* Thank you for linking to the update about the changes; I wasn't looking in patch notes, I had been looking in announcements.

I don't mind an increase in rates for an event. That's Aion. They've always had double xp weekends, what not. Which, for VIPs would be x4. And while I do not mind grind, I like the "slow" version of Aion, and I do like exploring, and I am a completionist that does every single quest and every zone even if it means I out level the area, that does NOT mean I believe we should be forced to do every single quest in every zone in order to level. I believe that campaign quests should at least take you through the majority of that zone, with a few side quests thrown in for extra coverage. Or mob grinding if you'd rather. Forcing everyone to do it how I like to do it, will lose people from the server just as fast as too quick progression. You should easily out level an area/zone if you are doing every single quest that is available.

There is a fine line between too difficult and easy, and it's a difficult line to balance. Should drops feel like an accomplishment? Yes. Should you have to run fire temple 80 times before getting your drop? No. On live servers I out leveled fire temple on 7 characters, doing nothing but farming it, and never saw my drop. I had friends quit this game because of shit like that. Do I want candy handed out? No. Do I want something reasonable? Yes. Unfortunately, RNG is not reasonable. Someone will always have favorable RNG and complain how easy the game is while others have shitty RNG and never see drops.

On the subject of VIP. I would love to, but I can't. There are several reasons. $25 is far too much. I can't bring myself to do that. This is a private server, all I am getting is doubled rates which honestly I don't really need. There's no other benefit. I am forced to have VIP by my name (I don't have it so I don't know if you can turn that off, but it seems like everyone who has VIP has it by their name, and I am just not interested in that). If the cost was $10, certainly I'd get it. I know several people who would. Even if it were $15, on par with every other game out there, I would get it. But at $25, on a new server, with an average of 30 - 40 people online? I don't have that much to toss away at the moment. I don't think a lot of people have that given the current climate, especially with a new server that we're all unsure of at the moment.

EDIT2: I do appreciate that VIP (and sales from the store, just buying credits really) is how the admin's support themselves and this server. I understand also there is a balance between what people can afford, and what they can't. I honestly do believe lowering the cost would have an increase in that support. I am fully willing to spend money on the in game store. I already have a slew of things I am planning to buy and I do so very much appreciate that it's all cosmetic, convenience, and cosmetic stuff. That makes me more than willing to purchase than if the was a bunch of P2W items. I'd likely not even play then.

Last edited by Venakri on Tue Apr 28, 2020 3:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
Mensagens : 588
Points : 826
Reputation : 51
Data de inscrição : 2020-04-02

Need classic x1 (x2 with premium) Empty Re: Need classic x1 (x2 with premium)

Tue Apr 28, 2020 2:56 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)

Need classic x1 (x2 with premium) Empty Re: Need classic x1 (x2 with premium)

Tue Apr 28, 2020 6:10 pm
Not being funny but, ive made this forum account just to let you know after reading these posts i've stopped the download of the game files when i found out that the rates are no longer 1x. Not even for ever everyone but people who can pay for the advantage for a huge fee, can do so by paying real money. i know you need money to run the server, but you need to be in a position to run and pay for it by yourself should no payments come in. Sell clothing, sell move animations, or even a basic kinah rate increase but. It needs to be an actrive price that people will actually play.

Why have you given in to all these people who cry, cry and cry some more becuase they are not prepared to put the effort in for the things they get? this is what has ruined the retail servers because they have pandered for the babies who do not like to put any effort in to anything. retail Aion is ruined, retail Lineage 2 is ruined... now even this.

I was actually looking forward to playing here with it being retail like, but no... not with these rates. no thank you.

gonna have to find another server! kkthxbye

Need classic x1 (x2 with premium) Empty Re: Need classic x1 (x2 with premium)

Tue Apr 28, 2020 7:54 pm
Man you guys are ridicules and im so glad your not gonna play. If it wasn't the exp rate you would be whining about something else. I remember playing in beta NA server all the way to patch 2.5. And you are kidding if you would think that this server wouldn't be dead after a month of play with it if was 1x. That was a huge problem back in the day because grinding elites was the best way to level, and if you did quest after lvl 25 you would only be able to get half a level at best. So you would have to grind elites or do dungeons anyways. 1x would only increase the divide between players in their level gaps and discourage us max players of rolling alts. So make sure the door hits you on your way out and find some other game to complain about.

Need classic x1 (x2 with premium) Empty Re: Need classic x1 (x2 with premium)

Wed Apr 29, 2020 12:28 am
The server has what 40 people each side(some probably alts). Simply put GM's should choose their style of server they want and leave it at that. This is your project not our's we are visiting and some of us may be long gone before you even finish patching the bugs. At the end of the day facts are facts.

Fact is many may not even want to play 2.7 in NA.
Fact is some maybe coming here just to ruin the server for others.
Fact is low or high rates you are going to have a portion of your players being upset thus making a portion of your players leave the server.

Personally i hate being ping ponged around. High rates> low rates> high rates> medium rates like... just make one rate and stick with it for the better part of a month to gauge the community. I am happy with either high or low rates does not upset me in the slightest. In saying this what 1x actually does is compress the player base in to xp starved content and that is how people met others on retail. FT/SR or even grinding elites this is the content that compresses the player base.
The opposite is also true in a way. High rates means you only meet people at 55. I have yet to play on a P-server where meeting people at max level they expect you to have every stigma(and the shards) as if you been playing for 1+ months already. Which is funny because these same players that expect this from you want to be carried because they also do not have all their stigma's.

All i am saying is stick to your vision do not waver in fear players will quit that is the life of a P-server owner.

Need classic x1 (x2 with premium) Empty Re: Need classic x1 (x2 with premium)

Wed Apr 29, 2020 1:14 am
Thank you all, I'm sorry, but I'm leaving with my shattered hopes, long expectations led to big worries, a classic server it can be one and only it is one - it's x1 (x2 VIP for those who do not want to spend so much time). For months I will torment myself with the expectations of a new 2.7 x1 server, who knows, maybe it will even be a restart of your project. Good luck have fun.

Need classic x1 (x2 with premium) Empty Re: Need classic x1 (x2 with premium)

Wed Apr 29, 2020 1:52 pm
Honestly spartan go fuck yourself you little tramp. I've played aion since closed beta in 2009 n I still miss those days. Aion is a shadow of what it once was.

Was this server supposed to be like that? No. Was it mean to be nostalgic? Yes. And is it? No.

Stupid cunt.

Need classic x1 (x2 with premium) Empty Re: Need classic x1 (x2 with premium)

Wed Apr 29, 2020 4:10 pm
Wow your forum alt is a spicy meatball also nice editing your post to look more like a baby. have fun playing minecraft

Need classic x1 (x2 with premium) Empty Re: Need classic x1 (x2 with premium)

Wed Apr 29, 2020 7:43 pm
Nivea wrote:Honestly spartan go fuck yourself you little tramp. I've played aion since closed beta in 2009 n I still miss those days. Aion is a shadow of what it once was.

Was this server supposed to be like that? No. Was it mean to be nostalgic? Yes. And is it? No.

Stupid cunt.

Just because you want to relive Aion the way it was when you were a child doesn't mean you have to act like you're a child.

Need classic x1 (x2 with premium) Empty Re: Need classic x1 (x2 with premium)

Thu Apr 30, 2020 1:21 am
I'm pretty sure the people complaining in this thread represent a small minority of players. Boosted xp appeals to way more players than a 1x rate vanilla server. The boosted rates only cut out about a week or two worth of gameplay as you level, and after reaching 55 the game is going to feel a lot more like vanilla Aion. However, new players will be much more inclined to join later on if there is not a huge barrier of entry (leveling 1x).

As for the VIP pack, it seems like it's current benefits are only going to be useful for the first month for leveling/crafting -- again, only cutting out a week or two of gameplay if you choose to buy it. After level cap, the VIP pack is going to be a lot less useful, and many people might not renew it. You decide if the time it saves you is worth the $25 you spend, or if you'd rather take a bit longer to level if you're enjoying it. You're also supporting the server that you *hope* is going to be successful in the long run. After you reach 55 and level your crafting/gathering, it won't be a huge deal any longer.

Edit to add:
This server is in my opinion one of the most successful NA servers as of late. The early population is far greater than I've experienced recently. Maybe it's their advertising or the timing of the release, but the population is noticeable increasing each day, and it'll only continue increasing as people notice the server's success.
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Need classic x1 (x2 with premium) Empty Re: Need classic x1 (x2 with premium)

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