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Fraction Change Empty Fraction Change

Thu Apr 30, 2020 8:37 am
what are u thinking about a fraction change for toll? I maybe would swap to Asmo side after decide to play on elyos and im 52 now with a buyed mount and if i would delete my char the mount would be away too, so i would rather to have a fraction change for my chars instead of leveling from the begin. I dont know how much it will cost, but i srsly would pay 1k toll for it. Maybe its possible with an 2 months cooldown so that u cant switch every day.

Fraction Change Empty Re: Fraction Change

Thu Apr 30, 2020 9:33 am
This would cause a bad precedent and create a path for imbalance. Factions are someone even it seems with perhaps a slightly higher Asmo pop, this would open the door for anyone who wants to be on the dominant side to do so. This game is an ebb and flow of control and undermining this in the 2nd week would basically be the death of the server, at least for me. I know a lot who think similarly. It is not hard to lvl a toon up on the other side if you really want to make the change but I highly suggest you try to work with your faction before resorting to the drastic measure of faction change. Just my 2 cents and just trying to further the discussion.

Fraction Change Empty Re: Fraction Change

Thu Apr 30, 2020 9:40 am
The thing is, only choosed the elyos side cause a mate did wanted to play elyos and now she dont play and im not really happy with the elyos side. i dont know anything there, cause i played over 6 years on asmodian side.

Fraction Change Empty Re: Fraction Change

Thu Apr 30, 2020 1:34 pm
This would be a horrible idea and cause crazy unbalance. If you don't want to play Elyos just reroll Asmo.
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Fraction Change Empty Re: Fraction Change

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