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Problems with Dark Poeta Empty Problems with Dark Poeta

Sun May 24, 2020 3:24 am
Scar - Broken mechanic does not work he just walks around(cleared all the mobs around there left someone with him and he did nothing). While i personally forgot what you were meant to do with Scar we exceeded the original 90 mins testing to see why it was just walking the same path in circles.
Nex ore - When you gather nex ore it gives no points when it should be giving something like 390ish(forgot exact amounts)
Thrall leaders - Are not giving the 200(i think it was 205) points they are meant to give all of them give the same points as the standard mobs.

Mensagens : 588
Points : 826
Reputation : 51
Data de inscrição : 2020-04-02

Problems with Dark Poeta Empty Re: Problems with Dark Poeta

Sun May 24, 2020 8:58 pm
Thank you very much for your report! Can you please provide more info about this points and mechanics?

We will do a research too.

Thank you!

Problems with Dark Poeta Empty Re: Problems with Dark Poeta

Mon May 25, 2020 12:35 am
Nex ore does not give points when gathered should give 390 once successfully gathered.

Thrall leaders are giving 20 points instead of the intended 205(or somewhere around there).

And scar just wonders around in circles doing nothing. Now i have forgot how scar works but i am pretty sure we escorted it to a location.
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Problems with Dark Poeta Empty Re: Problems with Dark Poeta

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