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Crucible gear and insigs (not courage) Empty Crucible gear and insigs (not courage)

Mon May 25, 2020 1:01 pm
Please make cruci insigs/gear account tradeable (as in between your own characters on your account).

This is no more broken/unfair then ppl spamming ESO/owning upper forts. The amount of ppl that are beginning to run around in full 50e is dumb. Many would argue 50e is better than cruci anyway so give the rest of us a way to catch up.

If this is can't be done, add insigs to harmonies or increase both the win AND loss amount from 1v1.


Crucible gear and insigs (not courage) Empty Re: Crucible gear and insigs (not courage)

Wed May 27, 2020 12:38 pm
Ye okay, so u wanna see how a guy with 8 chars lvl 55 is gearing any char with tac gear in like 1 month? i mean when u get everyday 2.5k insignias per char (20k/day) its for real like 30 days and u can literally buy full set of best PVE gear. then no one will ever be running BT for any shit. So its a reason why there not accountbound. Or u wanna see how many elyos/asmos(idc which side ur beeing) are getting u everyday with full 50e and/or full noble pvp gear? cause they have 8 chars? that would be impossible. No one would play this anymore cause its nonsense. When they got full 50e then its cause they did something for it. arena gear is something that u come in the game and when they are 50e already then its cause there legion gave them the full goldmedals for paying it, so they did something for it.

Crucible gear and insigs (not courage) Empty Re: Crucible gear and insigs (not courage)

Wed May 27, 2020 12:41 pm
If someone wants to level 8 chars to 55 and grab cruci insigs everyday, then they earned it. It will STILL be slower than the rate at which ppl who own forts get 50e. Also, nobody likes BT or any aspect of pve about aion. I'm pretty sure 90% of the ppl who came to this server are here for the pvp.


2.5k insigs a char? Lets try 150 + 350 +180 = 680 per char a day. Your numbers suggest someone is running a successful EC on each char each day AND winning 1v1 arena. Considering almost all arenas are just empty...thats not happening.

Crucible gear and insigs (not courage) Empty Re: Crucible gear and insigs (not courage)

Wed May 27, 2020 12:47 pm
Then im pretty sure, that i'm like the only person u now know which came for the Padmarashka retail like raid. Just for the nostalgic, and i dont want to have it in like 1 week. i want getting crafted stuff, then piece for piece tac gear and then going padmarashka. and sure im playing a pvp char too and i wont want it that fast with the pvp gear cause then its getting really unbalanced. let everyone with one char having the chances he needs, and not like win trading with a second account where 8 chars too only for the wins of the other chars to get full arena pvp set in like 5 days. for that u can go to any pvp server which offer free +15 full pvp set on start. nobody wants that shit.

Crucible gear and insigs (not courage) Empty Re: Crucible gear and insigs (not courage)

Wed May 27, 2020 12:54 pm
Okay, I found the one person who wants to get everything slow AF and just pve their heart out. Please stop talking about win trading, that is already happening, so is medal trading at forts. You want to get the tac gear? as in the pve stuff thats worth 70/140k? This server will be dead before you ever get 1 piece. I only care about the C2 pvp gear as its the best option for those of us who don't own a fort and get funneled medals/ESO runs.

Crucible gear and insigs (not courage) Empty Re: Crucible gear and insigs (not courage)

Wed May 27, 2020 1:10 pm
When i read this shit:"for us who dont own fort's". my legion dont own a fort too, and? where trying doing anything possible on the pvp too. trying take some forts, etc. There chances for smedals in uppers, platin dailys, in the next time platin medals at eso back. where is the problem? it dont needs to be super fast at any point of the game. take it slow, how aion was supposed to be.

Crucible gear and insigs (not courage) Empty Re: Crucible gear and insigs (not courage)

Wed May 27, 2020 2:02 pm
I agree with Hackuzations, most of people don't have time to do arena for months or daily platinum quests 4 medals per day to get somehow decent gear, especially after this quarantine will be over a lot of people will have to get back to their normal life and wouldn't be able to endlessly wait to get PvP competitive gear
It's 2020 c'mon we live in a fast pace world and we need things faster than it was 10 years ago and the game was kinda new

Crucible gear and insigs (not courage) Empty Re: Crucible gear and insigs (not courage)

Wed May 27, 2020 8:07 pm
Is there really that many people who have full 50E tho? i am using 90% PvE gear and everyone i run in to does not feel like they are some uber geared player. Hell i would say i lost more fights to bugs than i have to a gear disparity.

Crucible gear and insigs (not courage) Empty Re: Crucible gear and insigs (not courage)

Thu May 28, 2020 3:39 pm
Can someone quickly explain the "50E"? It's been a long time since I played aion and with all the changes in retail I'm having a hard time remembering which sets were which?! all I see is people mentioning 50e, 30abcg, 50xyz and for the life of me I can't remember what the heck anything is.

Crucible gear and insigs (not courage) Empty Re: Crucible gear and insigs (not courage)

Thu May 28, 2020 4:41 pm
50 elite ap gear

Crucible gear and insigs (not courage) Empty Re: Crucible gear and insigs (not courage)

Sun May 31, 2020 2:29 pm
I'm happy with the grind and makes everything so much more worth it when I do obtain anything good. Oh god, if they make everything easily obtainable, then it's like playing a P2W server that gives you everything right away. Rather keep this server away from all the P2W and easily accessible (obtainable) sh*t. Join a legion or make friends and grind away. Everything is so much easier if you get a group.
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Crucible gear and insigs (not courage) Empty Re: Crucible gear and insigs (not courage)

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