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Sieges concerning current stage of server. Empty Sieges concerning current stage of server.

Tue May 26, 2020 3:35 pm
Alright so in this servers current state we have enough geared people to take Lower Forts within 15 minutes (20-25 with resistance from opposing faction). Upper forts can take a bit longer and Divine, well, as long as there is opposition currently, it can not be capped. Gelk/Ingg is different because I believe either can be taken as they are right now because air combat is clearly not the same as ground combat. So I propose the following.

7PM - Temple of Scales
9PM - Roah

7PM - Crimson Temple
9PM - Asteria

7PM - Altar of Averice
9PM - Krotan

7PM - Vorgaltem Citadel
9PM - Kysis

9PM - ALL 3 Lower Forts

4PM - Temple of Scales
7PM - Crimson Temple
10PM - Divine (Might have a better chance of a larger turnout if this was on SATURDAY than SUNDAY due to people working on Monday morning and that is super late for any EU players)

3PM - Altar of Averice
6PM - Vorgaltem Citadel
9PM - ALL 3 Upper Forts

Now all of this is put into thought with the assumption that the Dredgion are still not attacking the forts. If/when that is re-enabled, then the times can be discussed again. But this is something that should be revisited on a regular basis to coincide with the progression of the server's player base and gear floating around the factions.

So please, lets turn this into a real discussion and involve the admins to come together for a optimal time for all of these forts to have better turnouts so the PvP is flourishing.

Sieges concerning current stage of server. Empty Re: Sieges concerning current stage of server.

Sat Jun 13, 2020 5:00 pm
Want to point out that this schedule only has Miren going vulnerable once per week as opposed to twice for Kysis and Krotan. Should probably have them be the same amount.

More importantly, We should be addressing Gelk and Ingg forts more. Asmo's lost our south fort this week. Had we defended it we would get 2 medals for defense, and 2 medals per day from the dailies from that fort until it went vulnerable again. Because each Bulauria fort only goes vulnerable twice a week, we've lost out on a dozen plat medals already. If we don't take it today thats another 10 to 12 medals we lose until the next chance.

I believe Gelk and Ingg forts should not alternate between the two zones, but rather have 1 Gelk and 1 Inggison fort go vulnerable every day, one hour apart. This will give more opportunities to get plats by defending, while also making it so that if you happen to a fort, you only have to wait 2 days before retaking it.

Sieges concerning current stage of server. Empty Re: Sieges concerning current stage of server.

Sat Jun 13, 2020 5:13 pm
Sup wrote: Asmo's lost our south fort this week.

Which would probably not be an issue if it was not vulnerable 1 hour after EST would have been off work which means any other time zone in the US was still AT WORK.

Sieges concerning current stage of server. Empty Re: Sieges concerning current stage of server.

Sat Jun 13, 2020 5:20 pm
Amoxicot wrote:
Sup wrote: Asmo's lost our south fort this week.

Which would probably not be an issue if it was not vulnerable 1 hour after EST would have been off work which means any other time zone in the US was still AT WORK.

Yeah the time certainly played a part in it. I agree they should be later. I just still think the end game forts should be going vulnerable more often. There seems to be a lot of emphasis on the Abyss but ABG is end game and there needs to be some more plat medal income for players to get it

Sieges concerning current stage of server. Empty Re: Sieges concerning current stage of server.

Sat Jun 13, 2020 7:00 pm
Sup wrote:
Yeah the time certainly played a part in it. I agree they should be later. I just still think the end game forts should be going vulnerable more often. There seems to be a lot of emphasis on the Abyss but ABG is end game and there needs to be some more plat medal income for players to get it

Agreed. Gelk/Ingg should be maybe every day alternating north and south.

Sieges concerning current stage of server. Empty Re: Sieges concerning current stage of server.

Sun Jun 14, 2020 1:16 pm
Here's my proposed schedule. Couple main points/objectives:

- All forts go vuln twice during the week, giving more opportunity for forts to flip
- The high priority forts have as many evening slots as possible. Alternate Upper Abyss with Inggison fort for the 10pm slot so people who cannot make any other time slot can still make it to both Inggi + Abyss sieges
- 6pm siege pushed back to 7pm to allow more people to make it. This could be pushed to 8pm, however we'd have nearly back-to-back sieges at that point and I feel people might get burnt out with it.
- Divine moved to Saturday for better turnout
- Abyss forts go vuln 2 at a time so it will be more difficult for a single faction to hold many forts.This will also mean more activity for those sieges if forts are 1 Asmo + 1 Elyos for example, since both factions need to show up to defend.
- Some of the lower abyss forts get an evening slot so they aren't completely ignored

Sieges concerning current stage of server. QSblHwF

Sieges concerning current stage of server. Empty Re: Sieges concerning current stage of server.

Sun Jun 14, 2020 4:54 pm
**Times = est, and I am primarily talking about weekday sieges, not weekend**

I know siege times are going to be an almost impossibility to fine tune to the populace; but a 2pm weekday siege is something I will never be able to attend. I am sure that will be an issue for a majority of US players, though I do understand that not all our playerbase is US (despite that this is a US server), and that times need to be suitable for the majority.

Honestly, even a 6pm siege is difficult as I don't walk in the door till 6pm, and I need at least 15-20 minutes to shower and decompress (I can always push dinner back, no biggie).

I do like the idea of 7pm or later sieges; but I think a siege at 7pm or 8pm and another at 9pm or 10pm every day of the week will become overwhelming. We're basically stuck in the seige for an hour; which would give us only an hour between sieges. This would equate to about 15- 30 minutes of "free time", which you can't do much of anything with, before we're prepping for the next siege. This would mean that every night from 7/8pm to 10/11pm would be nothing but sieges. I love sieges... but that leaves so little time for anything else.

I don't necessarily have any ideas or suggestions to toss out, I just wanted to offer my perspective. Like I said, I love sieges, and I will make it to any and all that I can until they burn me out.

Sieges concerning current stage of server. Empty Re: Sieges concerning current stage of server.

Sun Jun 14, 2020 5:53 pm
I do think an hour or two later would be good. If the Corona virus hadn't have happened, majority of West Coast players could only make 1 siege if that. But like someone already said, there is really no way to do it that works for everyone.

Sieges concerning current stage of server. Empty Re: Sieges concerning current stage of server.

Mon Jun 15, 2020 8:36 pm
I really like the suggested times in the original post, most of all divine being moved to Saturday.
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