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(Elyos) Miragent Holy Templar Quest Guide Empty (Elyos) Miragent Holy Templar Quest Guide

Tue Apr 07, 2020 3:01 pm
This is a guide for the Miragent Holy Templar quest line that gives you a full fabled set level 50, weapon and one of the best game titles, the Miragent Holy Templar.

Set list:
Miragent Plate Set
Miragent Chain Set
Miragent Leather Set
Miragent Cloth Set

Weapons list:
Miragent's Dagger
Miragent's Greatsword
Miragent's Jewel
Miragent's Longbow
Miragent's Spear
Miragent's Staff
Miragent's Sword
Miragent's Tome
Miragent's Warhammer

Title: Miragent Holy Templar

You need to be at least level 45 to start this quest line! The quest line consists in 6 quests total.

Quest list:

Class Preceptor's Consent
The Quest for Templars
Shoulder the Burden
Well Rounded
Persistence and Luck

Useful tip:Use /where to find npcs and monsters

Let's start the quests now!

Quest 1 - Class Preceptor's Consent:

Quest 2 - The Quest for Templars:

Quest 3 - Shoulder the Burden:

Quest 4 - Well Rounded:

Quest 5 - Persistence and Luck:

Quest 6 - Loyalty:
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