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How does the Aion Epic project work? Empty How does the Aion Epic project work?

Fri Apr 17, 2020 7:36 pm
Here I want to make it more specific to members of the AionEpic community of how our server emulation process will be.

We use a server in version 3.9 (with all the contents present), but we limit ourselves to emulating version 2.7 as a way to experience one of the best times of Aion.

Why 2.7 and not an older one yet?

Versions earlier than the “golden age of balaurea” do not exist in their full functionality, all the content acquired from these versions gives players a horrible experience, working on the development of these versions is an almost impossible mission. We respect and miss the “golden age of rifting” (Aion 1.1 / 1.9) but technically it is difficult to emulate a version like this, especially with content included in 3.9 that completely make the game mechanics in these versions impossible. A great example of this are the skills, both skill book and stigmas, the difference in effect, status, values ​​is very large. Therefore, retrieving information to have a more faithful basis as possible to these versions and working on an adaptation for this mechanic would not bring a pleasant result to anyone.

Why exactly use version 3.9 to emulate 2.7?

We found through experienced players at Aion and in various researches and tests that the difference in most of the mechanics that covers pvp and pve have not had drastic changes, so the adaptation work runs more easily and the experience passed to the player is the best possible thanks to several improvements that version 3.9 brought to Aion. Then we will have version 2.7 for the community to have fun and relive glorious moments while getting support for facilities that improve the game experience coming from the updates of version 3.9.

If the server is compatible with version 3.9, what to expect in the future?

For my heart and soul that inhabits the aether stream, I wish you to be part of this epic journey on our server. About the future? You will help me write the lines of each defeat or victory achieved on our server. So live fully the chapters that precede the arrival of the Dragon Lords ... they will be there waiting for you ... so show how epic your journey will be.
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