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Server info question and shout out to Moony Empty Server info question and shout out to Moony

Mon Jul 13, 2020 1:51 pm
Currently playing euroaion, pretty upset with how the admins are running the server. Seen this side and its in the US, a big plus for me as I am US. Was reading the server info and it notes it is x4. However, it is not very clear what is x4. Are we talking about xp, are we talking about drops, are we talking about both? Just trying to find out what it is.

Also just to show you how long ago I played, Moony is what made me decide to play assassin while he played and even got to group with him a bit. I remembered very well people screaming in TS if they saw him, a group of ely yelling oh shit, run! hahahahaha, dude was an assassin God. Back when Mufflerman was an amazing ranger. Good ole days. Smile
Mensagens : 588
Points : 826
Reputation : 51
Data de inscrição : 2020-04-02

Server info question and shout out to Moony Empty Re: Server info question and shout out to Moony

Mon Jul 13, 2020 4:31 pm
Please join our discord there is a #rates channel. https://discord.gg/H67dAz
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