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English speaking Legion: ThunderCats (Asmo) Empty English speaking Legion: ThunderCats (Asmo)

Sat Apr 25, 2020 7:30 pm

A group of friends have started playing on this server and we would like to extend invites to any English speaking players that are interested in joining. For now, we're just getting used to the server and have goals of reaching endgame with focus on PVP and PVE, so whatever you're into give us a look and join in on the fun! Let me know your IGN or shoot me a whisper in game. My character's name is Neuk.

English speaking Legion: ThunderCats (Asmo) Empty Re: English speaking Legion: ThunderCats (Asmo)

Thu May 14, 2020 1:00 am
I am interested in trying out the server but the biggest issue i am having currently is the siege times.

From my understanding, if siege time is 6pm est, then that's a no go for me.

I have suggested to push the siege time back to a later time so it gives everyone on the NA time slot to get home from work to join siege. could be for more alliances.

I hope this server caters to the NA community rather than the EU because there's plenty of EU private servers already.

I could bring more veteran players over but their gripe is with the current siege schedule.

English speaking Legion: ThunderCats (Asmo) Empty Re: English speaking Legion: ThunderCats (Asmo)

Thu May 14, 2020 2:11 am
Wrong section and there have been talks about this already. But changing sieges times to fit your needs and not those as a whole on the server is not the answer.

English speaking Legion: ThunderCats (Asmo) Empty Re: English speaking Legion: ThunderCats (Asmo)

Thu May 14, 2020 10:52 am
By this response, this leads me to believe that the GMS are not willing to accept any constructive criticism or feedback.

I guess history is destined to repeat itself yet again.


English speaking Legion: ThunderCats (Asmo) Empty Re: English speaking Legion: ThunderCats (Asmo)

Thu May 14, 2020 6:46 pm
Don't mind this nanospartan guy, he responded the same way with the last thread that was posted about this. And yes siege times are a problem right now.

English speaking Legion: ThunderCats (Asmo) Empty Re: English speaking Legion: ThunderCats (Asmo)

Thu May 14, 2020 6:53 pm
He must be from EU or NA. lol.

I was under the impression that the server would cater to the NA population which if I remember correctly, hosted sieges later in the evening so it gives the general population time to prepare and what not.

What GMs forget is that the majority of the people in interested are no longer in school/college but rather working the typical 9-5 job.

If anything I mentioned above doesn't matter, then sure, just host sieges during the day. They would probably attract more EU/RU players but why would they want to play on a server with 150 ms> when they can just play on Gamecoast or whatever random EU server?

Trust me, I'm willing to give this server a chance. 2.XX is my favorite patch.

English speaking Legion: ThunderCats (Asmo) Empty Re: English speaking Legion: ThunderCats (Asmo)

Fri May 15, 2020 8:23 am
The Admins definitely didn't close the door on adjusting siege times, however they did want to the last time it was brought up simply because the server was too new and they wanted to get an idea of what was going on.

Personally I believe they could move gelk/iggy back 2 hours (8pm est) and keep UA the same at 10pm. Maybe even gelk/iggy at 9 and UA at 11. Either of the 3 will cause players to leave so I think a poll should be done.

Admins are definitely proactive here, you should give it a shot.
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English speaking Legion: ThunderCats (Asmo) Empty Re: English speaking Legion: ThunderCats (Asmo)

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