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Cake event Empty Cake event

Mon Apr 27, 2020 11:44 am
Just curious if this is coming back or was just for launch day. Just want to know if I should hold turning in campaigns. Thanks!

Cake event Empty Re: Cake event

Mon Apr 27, 2020 12:00 pm
In the patch notes for today they said that they removed it, as it has ended. Which honestly sucks considering if you don't buy VIP (it's much more expensive than on literally any other private server currently out there) or exp amulets (also way overpriced) then your leveling speed is even slower without cake buffs.

Cake event Empty Re: Cake event

Mon Apr 27, 2020 12:04 pm
Yea initially I thought they said they were removing it due to problems, but not it looks like its just been removed.

Cake event Empty Re: Cake event

Mon Apr 27, 2020 12:06 pm
Yea, it sucks. I was hoping it was just a bug but sure enough they pretty clearly state that it's over already.
Mensagens : 588
Points : 826
Reputation : 51
Data de inscrição : 2020-04-02

Cake event Empty Re: Cake event

Mon Apr 27, 2020 12:13 pm
We had the event online because it was the server weekend opening. The cake gives a very high exp and as you guys know our server is a classic and oldschool server.

About the VIP price, yes our VIP is a little more expensive but as you can see our shop just sells skins, pets, mounts all this things you just buy once! That's why our main rental source is the VIP!

Other server sells potions, scrolls, packages, enchantament bundles, felicitous, courier passes, things that we dont sell.

Hope you guys understand! We're doing our best to keep the server fun and retail.

We're investing a lot of money in advertisement to grow our numbers, hope you guys can help us do this, call your friends and vote for our server.

Thank you Daevas, have fun in our server!

Cake event Empty Re: Cake event

Mon Apr 27, 2020 12:39 pm
Thanks for the response. I get the reasoning behind it. Just need to switch back to the classic mindset.

Cake event Empty Re: Cake event

Mon Apr 27, 2020 6:49 pm
Administrator wrote:We had the event online because it was the server weekend opening. The cake gives a very high exp and as you guys know our server is a classic and oldschool server.

And yet you triple the quest EXP and group EXP. Where is the classic, oldschool feeling on that? Group EXP was x2 anyway.

Cake event Empty Re: Cake event

Mon Apr 27, 2020 7:34 pm
it was needed trust me 3x is a must or you can do some quest and then grind on normal mobs that are 3 lvls below yourself if you want that classic feel.
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Cake event Empty Re: Cake event

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