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chanter 4th mantra bug Empty chanter 4th mantra bug

Thu May 07, 2020 3:50 am
Today I ran Adma with my legion and there's another chanter beside me in the group. Usually in retail aion, 2 chanters can run up to 4 mantras. However, this server we couldn't. We had to use the same mantra to keep it from swapping around between those 4 mantras. Could you look into this please?
PS. sorry I don't have pictures to back this up because there's gonna be too many screenshots for it

Mensagens : 588
Points : 826
Reputation : 51
Data de inscrição : 2020-04-02

chanter 4th mantra bug Empty Re: chanter 4th mantra bug

Thu May 07, 2020 8:30 am
If you can provide one would be very help. Anyway i'll look into this to see what's happening.

Thank you for the report.
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