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I think its time to make some changes to better suit the population of this server Empty I think its time to make some changes to better suit the population of this server

Wed Jun 10, 2020 11:20 am
I believe Aion Epic was created for older players to relive the nostalgia from one of the best patches in Aion and for new players to get a taste of the golden age of this game. I think for the first month of it's existence, this server accomplished that goal. I felt huge waves of nostalgia leveling up my character, running through zones I haven't seen in many years. I found myself completing random quests without really even looking at what I needed to do just because I had done them so many times 7 or 8 years ago. It was great.

Now that I and the majority of the players on this server have been 55 for some time, the nostalgia aspect of the server is wearing off. We're beginning to see repetition in our gameplay each day and this is becoming more of a grind and less of an experience.

On retail in 2.X, I and most others had a routine. Mine was something like this:

  • Do my plat dailies
  • Pick up my Crusader daily
  • Do all my arena/cruci things
  • PVP around Gelk and Ingg
  • Run a Besh, Eso, or maybe Udas
  • Go to siege

That's a pretty big list right? You've got all aspects of the patch. But theres one main reason I and most people put so many hours into this game and thats the one bolded above. PVP. My friends and I spent hours each day doing open world PVP. We had a permakisk spot way up in the mountains of Inggison and we were always looking for elyos. The good thing about retail back then is we could always find those elyos. Whether it was at Udas, around zone 2, in the Drana farm, near either of the forts, etc. Elyos were everywhere. The Ely PVPers had the same great experience in Gelk. That's what gave the game replay value.

The daily routine here is the same as on retail minus the most important part, the PVP. When I go to Inggison now, I find the same 5 or 6 people every day, usually at the same spot. I kill them, they kill me, and that's about it. The server sees 70-80 players online per faction most days but outside of forts I see barely any. I actually had more open world pvp in Idian Depths alone when I played NotAion than here. For those who don't know what NotAion is, its a very small PVP oriented server, maybe 20 or so online when I played. It certainly wasn't vanilla rates but it had good PVP.

So heres where I'll get to my point. Aion Epic is too small (and will remain too small) to support an organic, vanilla experience that we remember. We need the admins to step in and provide this server with some perks, shortcuts, events, and more to keep it's small player base healthy and wanting to continue playing. Below are some suggestions:

1. There must be incentives to PVP.

For people like me, as long as theres players, I'll pvp. I don't care if I lose more AP than I gain because I'm an officer or not, I just want to PVP. That's not the case with most people. Most will need a good reason to invest time into PVPing instead of grinding or doing instances.

  • Increase the Blood crusade dailies from 1 region to 3 regions (so you receive a daily for Gelk, SC, and Ingg each day)
  • Add 1 platinum medal to the rewards for each of those dailies (Yes this will increase progression for ABG gear. This is OKAY. The lower the population, the faster progression needs to be for players to stay interested)

2. Arena fixes

These seem obvious but I'll list them anyway.

  • Increase the amount of tickets you get back to 2 per day instead of 1
  • Add crucible insignias to the rewards for Harmony. Barely anyone queues for harmony now because there's no real reason
  • If a player dodges Discipline, give the other one who enters the winner reward. This should also be obvious. You shouldn't be punished just because your opponent didnt show up

3. Eso changes

Two changes that will make this better. These changes can only work if BOTH of them are done. Not one or the other.

  • Increase the plat medal drop rate from chests
  • Remove eso reset scrolls to prevent any P2W

4. Admin-run events

These are up to the admins, but getting the community involved together for events is always a perk of playing on a private server.

  • PVP tournament with a rare skin or something as a prize
  • Spawning a unique boss for the players to kill
  • Some other shit idk

I know some of these will speed up progression which the admins didn't initially want. But as I stated above, we need that progression to keep players interested. I have some friends who refuse to play because the progression isn't fast enough, and I also have friends who are playing and want to quit for the same reason.

Thanks for reading!

I think its time to make some changes to better suit the population of this server Empty Re: I think its time to make some changes to better suit the population of this server

Wed Jun 10, 2020 12:49 pm
Most, if not all of this is very appropriate for the server at this time.

I think its time to make some changes to better suit the population of this server Thumbs.Up_-503x300

I think its time to make some changes to better suit the population of this server Empty Re: I think its time to make some changes to better suit the population of this server

Wed Jun 10, 2020 2:04 pm
For the most part i agree . Way to many players with high ranks are terrified to lose ap and wont pvp . I could name a few right off the top of my head but im not going to. Its honestly sad that we even need incentives to pvp because aions endgame is pvp . All the gear and weapons people work for is mostly for pvp . That being said yes maybe a pvp incentive would help. Group pvp for sure is something i miss and want more of. Give people plat medals for dredge. Create pvp events. Get X kills during event and turn in for X item. Is just an idea.

I think its time to make some changes to better suit the population of this server Empty Re: I think its time to make some changes to better suit the population of this server

Wed Jun 10, 2020 2:23 pm
pkcrash wrote:For the most part i agree . Way to many players with high ranks are terrified to lose ap and wont pvp . I could name a few right off the top of my head but im not going to.  Its honestly sad that we even need incentives to pvp because aions endgame is pvp . All the gear and weapons people work for is mostly for pvp .  That being said yes maybe a pvp incentive would help. Group pvp for sure is something i miss and want more of. Give people  plat medals for dredge.  Create pvp events. Get X kills during event and turn in for X item. Is just an idea.

So basically to span off of this subject a bit.

Create some form of TvT. Obviously the higher geared people would have an advantage but also lower geared people would want to do it as well. And a lot of the players on both factions are respectful towards each other to try and coordinate with each other to have somewhat FAIR match-ups to keep the server healthy and thrive.

I think its time to make some changes to better suit the population of this server Empty Re: I think its time to make some changes to better suit the population of this server

Wed Jun 10, 2020 2:40 pm
Ok so anyone remember the dailies that spread the pvp out over the world there was dailies that you can rift and kill five enemy and get ap and icons.. this may help get pvp up for everyone.. make 55s able to enter all maps to rift and do dailies or something.. let them kill lowbies and make the big guys come help if that happens who knows.. I know this was implemented in a newer version but we could use to keep the classic feel.. and easier ways to gain with a less populated server.. idk could be useful for a little while anyways.. if there is no one to kill make it to where some guards spawn at the front of towns and allow those to be killed for credit.. just an idea.. I don't even know if it can be done.. but hey the more opinions the better right..

I think its time to make some changes to better suit the population of this server Empty Re: I think its time to make some changes to better suit the population of this server

Wed Jun 10, 2020 2:56 pm
I think all the points mentioned in Sup's post is relevant and good for the server. I think a recharger system area where infinite duels can occur can help with times of boredom to keep concurrent player population high, because I see my friends and I logging off a lot at times due to there being nothing else to do, and I'm sure that goes for a lot of others as well. The server has almost outlived its nostalgia value. While I didn't come for the nostalgia, I can see why some may like it, and it is fine for the server, but more additions need to be made, it is a private server after all. 2.7 has very limited aspects to be played, and the population is too low for it to be very similar to a retail experience. Thus, additions have to be made by the GMs to make the server fun even with a low population and a limited content patch. At this point for people who have played for a bit, the server is becoming quite stale and repetitive. I don't mind that the server is supposed to be similar to a retail experience, but because of the low population and it being a private server, there has to be additions on top of it.

I think its time to make some changes to better suit the population of this server Empty Re: I think its time to make some changes to better suit the population of this server

Wed Jun 10, 2020 3:19 pm
I think having weekly pvp tourneys on the weekends, whether it's KOR format 1v1 relays or 6v6, would actually reward and motivate the pvp community that invests a lot of time and effort into getting pvp gear to keep going and finally have a fair outlet to put the gear to use. Whether it's skins or plat medals/crowns as rewards I think matters less, winning against a lot of the very good players on this server is a good enough reward in it of itself.

Similar pve events can be organised too to engange the pve players.

Either way I think there's a lot of untapped potential in community ran PvX events that would really help the community flourish.

I think its time to make some changes to better suit the population of this server Empty Re: I think its time to make some changes to better suit the population of this server

Thu Jun 11, 2020 7:51 am
I hope if they ever put pvp incentives they do in a way that it's not some stupid shit where the people with most gear gets even more stuff.

I think its time to make some changes to better suit the population of this server Empty Re: I think its time to make some changes to better suit the population of this server

Thu Jun 11, 2020 12:22 pm
pvp needs: potions scrolls AP medals

cant pvp without a lot of money to pay the ridiculous prices off broker for potions & scrolls

learning the crafts for making the necessities makes me lose the will to live
not to mention the disappointment of a multitude of failed procs in several crafts needed

arenas is good for practise at pvp
also the only way for very slowly earning the rewards to exchange for gears plus a little kinah

years of getting owned until i get some arena gear is not an incentive to try & get AP
the worst thing they ever did was give AP from pve instances
it absolutely encourages laziness & clicky mates groups, excluding most solo people

i take my hat off to anyone who can come up with a solution to all these annoyances
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I think its time to make some changes to better suit the population of this server Empty Re: I think its time to make some changes to better suit the population of this server

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