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Upper forts Empty Upper forts

Thu Apr 30, 2020 10:38 pm
Anyone who played back in the day knows that whichever faction gets an inner upper abyss fort first, typically pulls ahead in gear by alot due to the amount of AP and medals, which isn't fun for anyone. Maybe we could agree to each take one inner, then fight for the 3rd and outer? Just a thought so people don't get burnt out and not want to play because one of the factions out gears them like crazy.

Upper forts Empty Re: Upper forts

Thu Apr 30, 2020 10:56 pm
I think that's a pretty chill idea, it allows for both factions to stay on pretty even footing, without taking away from the competitive aspect of sieges.

Upper forts Empty Re: Upper forts

Fri May 01, 2020 10:10 am
I think at the very least the first 2 forts should be contested not just handed to each faction. I would rather no one have a fort for weeks than each faction has a fort and the piles of medals come rolling in.

Upper forts Empty Re: Upper forts

Fri May 01, 2020 12:23 pm
I don't think the idea of allowing each faction to have at least one fort is bad, but I also don't think we should allow each other to take the first forts either. I would much rather see which faction will be able to actually take an inner fort first before we start doing something like that.
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