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Thu May 07, 2020 10:40 am
Changes to the Streaming System

I want to thank the people who applied for the job immensely. The vast majority did it out of love for our project and it made me very happy and proud. However, we saw that some limits were almost crossed and some things almost got out of our control.
I would like to remind you that the Streamers we had selected, had no contract with us, they came out of pure love and dedication to the project, all of them I just talked through Discord and defined rewards etc.

But what made us change this whole system was the very high number of people asking for the Streamer position. (And exclusively from the Asmodian faction).
Due to this large number, it would be impossible to select all and keep those that are faithful to the project. I don't want to judge those who entered just for wanting some kind of reward, we know that things like that exist, but the great intention of the event was a simple exchange of publicity between Aion Epic and Streamers.
Streamers advertised our server, brought players and we advertised their work on Facebook. Streamers gain followers and Aion Epic gains players.
So we decided to change this system to be fair to everyone who wants to do this with love for the project.

Here are the new conditions:

  • There will be no more Discord roles for Streamers, before we wanted this option because it better separated the streaming members in Discord so we can check if they are online to publicize their work. Every Streamer that has its Live On, must announce on Discord area "streams" dedicated only to that, using the @everyone command. Of course, this is working together and when we see that there is an online stream, we can do it on our own as well. We will help each other in this always.

  • Rewards now will be for goals and meritocracy, as it would be unfair to decide rewards before seeing the real work of the Streamer.

Goals will not be given, but they will exist in our Streamer evaluation concepts. Issues that influence the goals are the views on Stream and a certain growing number of players interested and joining our server, due to Streamers work. (There is no estimated value for views and players joining the server).
Meritocracy is something that I value too much in any work that is done in life. Even below our goals and with few views, we will evaluate the Streamer's effort to keep the fun, the love, the fury in pvp, the bug reports, the support and welcome to new players.

The rewards will also not be established, they will vary according to the work that the Streamer is doing.
Ex: If a Stream has a high number of views and members interested in our server, we will spontaneously choose that specific Stream to reward Streamer and viewers (new players) who are participating in the Stream. Prizes can vary between Tolls or Skins. So it is worth reminding the Streamers that we have the “Redeem Code” system, making it possible to reward Streamers and followers in Lives through spontaneous events such as, for example, the drawing of codes for activation.

To the players that were already selected in the Streamers positions, we will give one more VIP, according to what we had agreed.

Thank you for following us here, we made these changes to be fair to everyone and to remove any tension in you about work, as we know you want fun and good times on our server.

Abysswalker - Community Manager Aion Epic Server
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