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Letter to players  Empty Letter to players

Sun May 10, 2020 7:08 pm
Dear community

We arrived at the third server weekend, and beginning the third week of our Aion Epic project. We already have fun stories to tell and great learning moments.
Perhaps the most important thing we learned in those first few weeks, was what the community really loves Aion. And that this love is transformed into support for the project.
The great support that the Streamers brought was surreal, once again thanking them for their great help and saying that they are being perfect in their work of helping and entertaining viewers.
The biggest reward of all this was the good growth of the ingame community, which led us to give our first host upgrade, which means that we have support for more players with a better connection.
If in a short time we had these victories in this epic journey, I am super optimistic about what will come next with the possible increase in players.
So I ask you to understand that the big key to the success of our project is the population, we need to increase more and more, as many game mechanics depend on it.
I thank you again and say that the epic journey is flying high and with your support we can dream of bigger projects.

A hug, I love you.

Abysswalker - Community Manager
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