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Love Letter to players Empty Love Letter to players

Sun May 31, 2020 11:19 am
And the Epic journey continues with just over a month of life.

It seems like months or years have passed if we are going to consider good and bad facts that happened during that month. What impresses me most is how quality this community that we are gradually conquering has. Observing every detail, I am impressed every day when I see how to lead, interact and seek a better progression for his friends, companions of legion and faction.
We keep trying to do our best and we know that we are subject to errors. We don't want to justify all of them, but we wanted to let you know that the current focus of the project is to fix multi-level bugs. We strongly believe that the resolution of the bugs is the main tool for the growth of the server, because we know past projects where this has worn out the community and therefore failed.
Okay, we know that we should also be concerned with progression and possible improvements and implementations in the system, but as I said, the focus is on fixing what is already available and not on adding something that can increase our bug problems.
Again, I make it clear that the most important tool for various systems to function properly, would be the population. Today we have an Arena system that works according to the original standard of the game, we leave it that way even though it gives loopholes for exploits and player dissatisfactions. But the big factor that leads to this is still the low population x system, this means that loopholes in the systems can be used in an uncontrolled way by the players. So maybe we could dedicate ourselves and rewrite the entire arena system looking for a fair way to reward players, but this decision is being made based on the current population and it would be an implementation that would run far from the standard system for arenas, we would have to relearn the concept of the arenas, dealing with possible new bugs and finally, our coders would have to give full focus on resolutions that are not original to the game, losing focus on what really already exists and needs repair.
With that I hope that the community understands that POPULATION is the key to the success of several systems of our server. I know that one thing can lead to another, players may not come to see a weak system, but if we somehow understand that the strength comes from the population, we will be on the right path.

About Sieges, the same concept follows, great suggestions are being given at all times by dedicated players. Many of these suggestions are great and can make sieges fairer, but also like arenas, our focus is on fixing bugs that hinder the progression of players in this system.
Remember that the population factor has the power to transform this project into something epic and without limits, so I ask the community to understand that it is our duty (Staff and players) to bring more people to our server.
We just added a big addition to this factor with the launch of our dedicated server, better connection, better performance. We can return with the Dredgion attack, which will promote a possible rotation of the Fortress between factions and legion, and better encourage all content involving massive pvp. New ideas may emerge and thus the population will increase.

Finally, I would like to make it clear that requests for incentives to factions that are in decline will be better reviewed. We hope that this last incentive will be the last one derived from pressure decisions because we believe in the potential of the community and we know that leaders and people who love the project will know how to deal with difficulties fairly for everyone.
Thank you very much for staying with us on this project, I love you.

Abysswalker - Aion Epic Community Manager
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